Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas


Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas continues to innovate and leverage technology. We've converted key Resume, Networking, Job Search, Interviewing, and Coping Techniques workshops to online modules. We encourage job seekers to take these workshops and provide feedback so that we can continue to provide you with the most useful and up-to-date job seeker information.

Interviewing Skills

How To Talk About Yourself

When making connections and networking, being able to talk about yourself can be one of the hardest things to do. It is also a very important part of the job search process.

Show Your Value

Although it is important to talk about your credentials and what you have done in previous jobs, it's more important to show what your value is and can be for a company.

Understanding Your Strengths

It's important that you recognize and understand your strengths so that you can discuss them with potential employers. Finding a career that will capitalize on your strengths will leave you more fulfilled in your job.

Top 10 Interview Questions

The majority of employers will ask the same questions during each interview. How you answer each will determine whether or not you get the job.

Top 10 Interview Questions

Before you begin to develop your answers to the most common interview questions, it's important for you to understand the meaning behind the questions being asked. Remember, there is a specific reason the interviewer is asking.

Non-Traditional Interviews

To help save time and money and also weed out unqualified candidates, many employers now rely on a variety of interview formats, such as telephone, panel, and video. These tips will help you prepare for interview success, no matter what type of interview you will be involved in.

Put Your Preparation To Work

Potential employers will form an impression within the first seconds of meeting you. How you dress, how you sit, and how prepared you are to both answer and ask questions will all be taken into account when deciding if you are the right person for the job.

Resume Writing

The Basics

Learn about the basics of writing a resume; what you should and should not include on your resume, how to highlight the things that are specific to the job you are applying to, and ways to make sure it is polished and professional.

The Structure

There is more than one way to structure your resume. In order to present yourself in the best light to employers, you will need to understand the different types of resumes and when and why to use each.

The Cover Letter

When applying for a job, always include a cover letter that introduces you and your resume to the employer. Knowing how to craft a targeted, tight, concise cover letter will increase your chances of a potential employer looking at your resume.

Networking Skills

Growing and Using Your Network

Networking is about making valuable connections. You not only have to be part of a group, you also have to add value to that group. Understanding how to use your network to your advantage while aslo offering something in return will strenghthen your connections.

Social Media, Networking, Job Searching

Your social networking sites can make or break your job search. Learn how to use them to your advantage.

Face To Face Networking

Who do you know? Who do they know? In the digital age, it's important that you interact with others in person so they can get a true understanding of who you are, both professionally and personally. This allows your network to recognize when a potential job opportunity might be a perfect fit for your career.

Coping Skills

Dealing With Stress

Whether it's positive or negative stress, you must know how to deal with it in order to overcome it.

Perseverance Pays

The job search process is not easy and at times it can be very discouraging. Being prepared and not giving up will keep you moving through the process.

Career Exploration and Assessments

To be happy, fulfilled, and successful in your job, you need to assess and understand both your professional and personal self. This will allow you to determine your strengths and weaknesses, which in turn will guide you in your pursuit of your dream job.