Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas


COVID-19 Resources for Employers


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Employer Resources:



Regional Workforce Leadership Report

The Dallas-Fort Worth Regional Workforce Leadership Council (RWLC) is the driving force for a collaborative approach to providing workforce solutions across the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Beginning in 2000, Workforce Leadership and businesses in the DFW area created a partnership to assist with the Dallas-Fort Worth airport and formed the first regional industry sector around semiconductors.  Please find the current report.

2020 RWLC Report


Let us help you find the right candidates for your job openings. Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas helps over 40,000 employers each year find qualified applicants. With a data base of over 200,000 job seekers, we help employers with all of their hiring needs. For more information contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555. 

Subsidized Employment

Hire targeted populations and receive wage subsidies! Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas intermittently implements subsidized employment programs for targeted groups, such as youth and/or people formerly on welfare. In these programs, Workforce Solutions will pay the initial wages for qualified hires working under your direction at your company. Check with us to see if we’re in or planning a subsidized employment initiative soon. For more information contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555

We offer assistance through:

  • Lower your cost per hire – is free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Simplify your recruiting process – Customizable recruiting tools that do the work for you
  • Evaluate the job market – Access statistics and reports straight from the source – Texas Workforce Commission
  • Post a Job Opportunity – Login to and create a Job Order. – Here's how
  • Fidelity Bonding – The fidelity bonding service helps at-risk job applicants get and keep a job. – Texas Workforce Commission offers FREE fidelity bonding services.
  • Training in a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, technology, trucking, construction, and many others
  • Sample certifications include: Medical Office Specialist; Pharmacy Tech; CNC Machinist; Machine Shop Master; Computerized Accounting; Human Resource Management; Certified Network Associate; ProBasic08; VB.NET; and more
  • Customized hiring events at one of our nine convenient locations
  • Interview rooms and interview assistance
  • On-site assistance for high volume recruiting
  • Customized screening and referral to the most qualified candidates to meet your hiring needs
  • Large-scale hiring initiatives for new and expanding businesses
  • Outplacement from recent area layoffs
  • Regional and industry - targeted candidate career fairs
  • Diversity and candidate - targeted career fairs


Receive tax credits for hiring workers from targeted groups! Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas can assist you in documenting new hire eligibility for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. For more information contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit incentive to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. Eligible groups include:

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Texas HireAbility

Texas Workforce Commission is partnering with the Texas Governor’s Committee on People With Disabilities and the Texas Workforce Solutions network for a campaign called Texas HireAbility to raise awareness about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities and to highlight the contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce

find out more

Customized Training

Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas sponsors training for tens of thousands of Dallas-area candidates each year. Working with community colleges and local certified training providers, we offer training in all types of in-demand occupations. We also offer customized training for local employers and industry groups.

Hire candidates with up-to-date skill sets! Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas offers training in a variety of industries including healthcare, manufacturing, logistics, technology, trucking, construction, and many others. Sample certifications include: Medical Office Specialist; Pharmacy Tech; CNC Machinist; Machine Shop Master; Computerized Accounting; Human Resource Management; Certified Network Associate; ProBasic08; VB.NET; and more. Contact us for referrals to candidates with the skills you need! To contact a Business Relations Representative, call us at 214-302-5555.

Customized training for employers – this is Texas' premier job–training program providing training dollars for Texas businesses. These funds assist employers in training current workers for advanced positions and/or new workers for newly created jobs. Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas can guide you through the process of evaluating whether Skills Development Funds are the right fit for your training needs. For more information: Contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555 or read more about TWC's Skills Development Fund here.

This Texas fund focuses on increasing the wages of low-income workers. If your company has training needs that will result in current workers advancing beyond $37,000 per year and/or create new jobs that can be filled by low-income applicants, the Self-Sufficiency Fund may be able to provide resources and funding to help you design, establish and implement a training program specifically for your company. Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas can guide you through the process of evaluating whether Skills Development Funds are the right fit for your training needs. For more information: Contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555 or read more about TWC's Self Sufficiency Fund here.

Supplement your training costs! Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas has limited funds to share in the costs of training low-skilled current or new employees to prepare them for advanced positions. The training must result in increased wages and advanced skills. For more information: Contact a Business Relations Representative at 214-302-5555 or read more about TWC's On-the-Job Training here

Jobs & Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program

The Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant program allocates $10 million each biennium to defray start-up costs associated with the development of career and technical education programs to public community and technical colleges, and independent school districts. Formerly under the direction of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, legislation passed by the 84th Texas Legislature transferred oversight of the state-funded program to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).

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Rapid Response


When Dallas employers are facing downsizing, Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas stands ready to respond! We provide RAPID RESPONSE outplacement services for affected employees. These services ease the transition between jobs to facilitate laid-off workers' quick return to productive employment.



When companies anticipate layoffs, the RAPID RESPONSE Team meets with company representatives to explain unemployment compensation benefits and retraining opportunities. A customized plan for the company is developed. On-site employee orientations are scheduled and a series of out-placement seminars are set in motion. The process is generally complete within one month.

A wide range of companies have utilized RAPID RESPONSE, including JCPenny, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Dr. Pepper, Gulf Stream, and BAE Systems.

RAPID RESPONSE Produces Rapid Results:


In general, 70 percent of laid-off workers have found work within 90 days of attending RAPID RESPONSE seminars, which can include:

a two-hour workshop that provides strategies for emotionally coping with a layoff or job loss. This seminar stresses maintaining a positive attitude and helps to overcome psychological barriers to a successful job search and re-employment.

a three-hour workshop that teaches how to prepare and use different types of resumes. Chronological, functional, combination, and electronic resume formats are included. Time is also allotted to cover letters and job applications.

a three-hour workshop that includes preparing for the interview and interview techniques. Routine and behavioral questions and how to respond to them, are also discussed. If possible, practice opportunities are provided. Other topics covered include networking, salary negotiations, and overcoming real or perceived age discrimination.

a three-hour workshop focusing on demand, growing, and emerging careers and occupations in the 21st century. Information on career paths, salaries, skills, training, education, and experience needed to enter these occupations is provided.

a three-hour workshop that focuses on keeping finances in order while unemployed. Topics include debt reduction, budgeting, managing finances after layoff, and negotiating with creditors for reduced monthly payments and/or interest rates.

a one or two-day/evening seminar focusing on how to start and manage a business. The seminar includes: getting started, business plan, marketing strategies, advertising, research, business ownership, cash flow, pricing, funding, sales, record-keeping, profit and loss forecasting, federal taxes, risk management, insurance, and scams.

If desired, several seminars may be combined into an all-day job workshop.